Probability of geological success ($P_g$) depends on charge, storage and entrapment but it does not guarantee that the discovery is economical
- More details on charge, storage and entrapment here – Classification of Prospective Resources Private or Broken Links
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- Every expression in the expected value equation requires a responsible geotechnical estimate.
- More details on charge, storage and entrapment here – Classification of Prospective Resources Private or Broken Links
For exploratory prospects, the recommended procedure is to express confidence independently in four critical geological aspects of any prospect:
- What is the probability (or confidence) that
- ==reservoir rock is present== of sufficient porosity and permeability to be productive
- does it have some minimal thickness and extent sufficient to contain detectable (i.e., measurable) quantities of mobile hydrocarbons, or to tempt a prudent onshore domestic operator to attempt a completion?
- hydrocarbons are present in the subsurface geological environment
- does the prospect has had access to them in some quantity to provide at least some modicum of hydrocarbon charge?
- sealed trap exists based on the lithologic combinations and structural configurations depicted
- does the trapping configuration was already formed when hydrocarbons were migrating into the area of the prospect?
- that the geological structure of the reservoir objective is, in reality, essentially as represented on maps and cross sections?
- ==reservoir rock is present== of sufficient porosity and permeability to be productive
- The potential prospect includes shallow pool, deeper pool, and extension wildcats, commonly managed by development geologists)
- What is the probability (or confidence) that
- Resources and reserves models - PetroWiki (spe.org)
- Risk: expected value and chance of success - AAPG Wiki
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- topic:: 00 Engineering Economics00 Engineering Economics
#MOC / for economics notes with focus on petroleum fiscal and engineering
- updated:: 2022-05-24 Private or Broken Links
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- reviewed:: 2022-05-24 Private or Broken Links
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- #Concept