add mathjax to github pages and jekyll

this note is basically a copy from blog, but edited for correction

  • brief summary on how to add Mathjax v3 support to your Jekyll website

    • Add the following line inside _config.yml located in your root directory. Usually it’s already included in most jekyll-based blog setup
        markdown: kramdown
    • Create a file called mathjax.html insides _includes/, add these lines (these settings come from the Mathjax documentation):
        MathJax = {
          tex: {
            inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)'] ]
          svg: {
            fontCache: 'global'
          type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async
    • For Jekyll, add this line in your _includes/head.html before </head>. In this example i encapsulate it in raw tag to avoid jekyll processing
        {% include mathjax.html %}
      • the original blog had a typo that written wrongly as ` {% include mathjax.html >}} `, which is missing the proper closing tag (likely because trying to avoid jekyll processing)
    • Now you can write in-line math equations in your markdown file like:
        \\(f(x) = x^2\\)
        $f(x) = x^2$
      • The above text will be render to: $f(x)=x^2$

[!info]- Additional Info on Mathjax v2 and v3

  • If you are already using Mathjax v2 and wish to just convert it to v3, you may also try this configuration converter. There is a much more detailed guide but it may contain information unnecessary to average Hugo or Jekyll users.html) how to migrate from mathjax v2 to v3.
  • The most useful resource is the official Mathjax documentation.



  • topic:: 00 Coding00 Coding
    #MOC / for programming language, coding guide and libraries focusing on data analytics and html/css
    • related:: mathjax in github Private or Broken Links
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  • updated:: 2022-07-15 Private or Broken Links
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  • reviewed:: 2022-07-15 Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
  • #Reference