macro for yes no selection based on cons level

  • Use Case

    • when running economic model, sometimes I would need to run analysis of a group of projects incremental to another group of projects (normally existing/producing)
    • this macro allow for semi automated selection of projects based on table of projects similar to table below
Selection Project Name Cons Level
TRUE Existing A 0
TRUE Existing B 0
FALSE Sanction A 1
FALSE Sanction B 1
FALSE Notional 2
Public Sub ChangeProjSel()

Dim r As Range
Dim ConSel As Range
Dim ProjCons As Range
Dim ColOffset As Integer

Set ConSel = Range("$I$2")
Set ProjCons = Range("I6:I15")

'set the offset for column from Project Cons to the selection
ColOffset = -2

    'loop for every cell in the Project Cons range
    For Each r In ProjCons
        If r.Value <= ConSel.Value Then
            r.Offset(0, ColOffset).Value = 1
            r.Offset(0, ColOffset).Value = 0
        End If

End Sub


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  • #Reference