#MOC / for notes related to productivity and self improvement
for notes related to productivity and self improvement
#MOC / for notes sub to 00 Productivity with focus on digital garden and it’s implementation
PARA is a organisation approach that prioritise file/notes actionability by introducing top level groups as such PARA stands for Project...
summary from Andy Matuschak’s note Complete phrases as note title forces us to be convicted with the statement Evergreen or pe...
As I continue to tend my digital garden (Efemkay's Digital Garden), I also increasing interested to see how others develop their digital garden...
References https://mobile.twitter.com/heymichellemac/status/1585980871248867328 Metadata topic:: 00 Productivity related:: 01 Ob...
Jekyll (purely) Based Jekyll Garden by JekyllGarden JekyllGarden/jekyllgarden.github.io ...
Getting Things Done Metadata Metadata topic:: 00 Productivity updated:: reviewed:: #FleetingNote
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