PARA is a organisation approach that prioritise file/notes actionability by introducing top level groups as such
- PARA stands for Project, Areas of Life, Resources and Archives, and the order also reflect level of actionability
- Project → Areas → Resources → Archives
Project is for time-bound group of activities, similar to Getting Things Done GTD Private or Broken Links
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‘s concept of project - Areas are documents that will be continuous basis (like Finance)
- this relate very well to Johnny Decimal system
- Resources are for materials that do not belong either Project or Areas – relating to items that are being referenced
- i use References instead for this part and define it as materials that i do not produce and not related to a Project
- PARA stands for Project, Areas of Life, Resources and Archives, and the order also reflect level of actionability
I find PARA organisation method aligned very well with my preferred task management approached i.e. Getting Things Done|GTD Private or Broken Links
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- GTD approach to identify series of tasks and group it as a project make sense to me and PARA complement it really well (mostly because Tiago Forte is influenced by it)
- Building a Second Brain Private or Broken Links
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Metadata product
- topic:: 00 Productivity00 Productivity
#MOC / for notes related to productivity and self improvement
- updated:: 2022-07-06 Private or Broken Links
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- reviewed:: 2022-07-06 Private or Broken Links
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- #FleetingNote
- topic:: 00 Productivity00 Productivity