#Concept | [updated:: 2022-07-03 Private or Broken Links The page you're looking for is either not available or private! ] |
[reviewed:: 2022-07-03 Private or Broken Links The page you're looking for is either not available or private! ] |
Autism is a complex developmental disability affecting individuals in the areas of social interaction and communication.
- it is four times as prevalent among males than females.
- The term autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is referring to all pervasive developmental disorders that make up the autism spectrum – ASP, PDD-NOS.
- Autism is a spectrum disorder – meaning the symptoms can occur in any combination and with varying degrees of severity. It is also a lifelong disability.
[!info]- Additional Info
- Myths & Facts
- The myths:
- Environmental factors such as stress cause autism.
- Autism is the result of bad parenting.
- Autism is a mental illness caused by psychological factors such as early-life trauma
- The facts:
- While no single specific cause of autism is known
- current research links autism to biological or neurological differences in the brain.
- What are the types of Autism? pervasive development disorders Private or Broken Links
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- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) generally refer to the first three disorders — Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and PDD-NOS.
- What Causes Autism?
- Autism has no single cause. It was once thought to be a psychological disorder caused by traumatic experiences, leading to emotional and social withdrawal. Today, researchers believe that several genes, possibly in combination with environmental factors, may contribute to autism.
- Some studies of individuals with autism have also shown abnormalities in several regions of the brain, including the cerebellum, amygdala, and hippocampus. While these findings are substantial, they require further study.
- How can Autism be treated? Autism InterventionAutism Intervention
Intervention normally involves a number of physical exercise and therapy to help kids adapt to conventional world
finger exercise to help improve writing for autism kids
- currently no cure for autism.
- appropriate interventions can positively change autism’s associated behaviors.
- early intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for the individuals.
- Transition to Adulthood Autism Intervention#Transition for severe case Private or Broken Links
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- Better understand what types of work and post-secondary schooling are best suited for autistic individuals Plan for the transition period when an autistic individual reaches the age of 21 and begins to transition from the assistance of the public school system to adult services.
- Autism through the Lifespan
- The Autism Society promotes early identification and access to effective treatments before age 3. Autism behaviors can become apparent as early as 18 months, and parents should investigate as soon as they suspect autism or another developmental issue.
- it is important to understand how the school system can help (for example, through an Individualized Education Plan) and how to prepare for the transition to adult life.
- autism early intervention Private or Broken Links
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- https://www.autism-society.org/about-autism/
- http://www.autismsource.org/
- http://www.autism.org.uk/global
- https://www.autism-society.org/about-the-autism-society/publications/resource-materials/