Autism Intervention

  • Intervention normally involves a number of physical exercise and therapy to help kids adapt to conventional world

    • finger exercise to help improve writing for autism kidsfinger exercise to help improve writing for autism kids

      Autistic kids can improve fine motor skills needed to perform prolong hand writing by performing few exercises

      Most autistic kids lack or have reduced mastery on fine motor skill...
    • bear crawlbear crawl

      Microsoft Word - AutFit Top 8 April 2009 (

    • Social Stories to help autistic kids understand nuances of communicationSocial Stories to help autistic kids understand nuances of communication

      What is a social story?

      A social story is a narrative made to illustrate certain situations and problems and how people deal with them. They help children with autism understand ...
  • There is currently no cure for autism. Continued research shows that appropriate interventions can positively change autism’s associated behaviour

    • Early intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with autism.
      • However, the majority of individuals with ASD will continue to exhibit some symptoms in varying degrees throughout their lives.
    • The most effective programs share an emphasis on early, appropriate, and intensive interventions.
    • To accommodate the diverse needs of individuals with ASD, effective approaches should be individualized, flexible, re-evaluated regularly, and provide the child with opportunities for generalization.
      • Parents should investigate any and all treatments thoroughly and use caution before subscribing to any particular treatment.
  • Most treatment revolves around therapy and communication to help kids adapt to conventional world

    • Speech-Language Therapy
      • Treatment for associated processing disorders, Treatment for auditory processing disorders
    • Communication (not exhaustive)
      • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
      • American Sign Language (ASL)
      • Visual strategies; using pictures for communication
      • Facilitated communication
    • Sensory Therapies (not exhaustive)
      • Occupational therapy
      • Sensory Integration therapy
      • Auditory Integration Training
      • Developmental Optometry

Transition (for severe case)

  • One of the critical times comes when individuals with ASD and their families begin to look to the future. The transition from high school to continuing study or employment can be made easier through transition planning, which must be included in the child’s educational program, beginning at age 14.
  • With good transition planning, a student with ASD can have an opportunity to experience higher education, employment, and independent living. Parents, school officials and agency personnel work together to make the transition as smooth as possible for the student.
  • As adults, some individuals select occupations that involve routines and don’t need a great deal of social interaction. Remaining deficits can interfere with the achievement of job status related to their educational level. Some adults with ASD have jobs in areas such as data entry, medical transcription, janitorial services, chemistry, piano tuning, computer analysis, and bookkeeping. Others work in supported or sheltered employment.
  • It is important for families to plan for adult services years before the individual reaches the age of 21. There may be long waiting lists for services, and navigating the maze of services can be a challenge. For more information on transitional services contact your state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.



  • Metadata

    • topic:: 00 Health00 Health
      #MOC / for health related references that I personally take interests like autism, dyslexia, vision, and painkillers.
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    • reviewed:: 2022-07-03 Private or Broken Links
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