replace == with mark for jekyll liquid

  • this latest snippet is a bit more refined and scalable. need to figure out other possible permutations

    • currently doesn’t work well with my note shortcuts I use for email clientsshortcuts I use for email clients
      Outlook (desktop app)

      (when in main inbox page)

      Alt+H MV : Move to folder …
      Ctrl+U : Mark email message as unread
      Ctrl+Q : Mark email messa...

<!-- Mod for markdown highlights ("==") -->
<!-- First part is finding closing tag i.e "==" with trailing space " " that DOESN'T have leading space i.e. "  " -->
{%- assign content_array = replaced_content | split:' ' -%}
{%- assign link_joiner_delimiter = '$@' -%}
{%- for item in content_array -%}
	{% assign last_split = item | split: " " | last %}
	{%- if forloop.index > 1 and last_split != "" -%}
		{%- assign itemparts = item | split:'' -%}
		{%- assign text_to_hl = itemparts[1] -%}
		{%- assign highlight_md = '' | append: text_to_hl | append: '==' -%}
		{%- assign highlight_html = '<mark>' | append: text_to_hl | append: '</mark>' -%}
		{%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: highlight_md,highlight_html -%}
	{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<!-- Second part is finding opening tag "==" with leading space " " that DOESN'T have trailing space i.e "  " -->
{%- assign content_array = replaced_content | split:' ' -%}
{%- for item in content_array -%}
	{% assign first_split = item | split: " " | first %}
	{%- if forloop.index > 1 and first_split != "" -%}
		{%- assign itemparts = item | split:'' -%}
		{%- assign text_to_hl = itemparts[0] -%}
		{%- assign highlight_md = '' | append: text_to_hl | append: '==' -%}
		{%- assign highlight_html = '<mark>' | append: text_to_hl | append: '</mark>' -%}
		{%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: highlight_md,highlight_html -%}
	{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<!-- End of FMK Faiz MK mod. find "==" and replace with "<mark>". First attempt -->

{% raw %}
Old code, was very crude
{% raw %}
<!-- FMK Faiz MK mod. find "==" and replace with "<mark>". First attempt -->
{%- for note in site.notes -%}
	{%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: ' ', '&nbsp;<mark>' -%}
	{%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: ' ', '</mark>&nbsp;' -%}
	{%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: '&nbsp;', '</mark>&nbsp;' -%}
	{%- assign replaced_content = replaced_content | replace: '.', '</mark>.' -%}
{%- endfor -%}


  • I manually code this (hence the very crude approach)


  • topic:: 00 Coding00 Coding
    #MOC / for programming language, coding guide and libraries focusing on data analytics and html/css
    • related:: 01 Obsidian01 Obsidian
      #MOC / for related references
      , 01 Jekyll01 Jekyll
      #MOC / for notes sub to 00 Coding with focus on how I use Jekyll
  • updated:: 2022-10-10 Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
  • reviewed:: 2022-10-10 Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
  • #Reference